Reddit Keyword Monitor - Never miss a relevant Reddit thread 

Get alerts to your inbox, Slack or Discord and jump into every relevant conversation

Never miss a relevant thread again

Early stage growth = doing things that don't scale.
But every pro has good tools!

Reddit Keyword Monitoring

Imagine always being part of every relevant thread on Reddit and being able to provide value or pitch in by providing your services or product when it makes sense. Just add in keywords relevant to your niche, names of your competitors or even your brand name to start getting alerts.

We did this with Surfkey and used it to grow itself to our first 250 users but also learned a ton about the problem space.

How do I monitor keywords on Reddit?

Type your keyword

Type in your first keywords

Easy way to start is to start tracking your own brand name and competitors. Then you can add in relevant keywords from your specific problem space.

Scope by subreddit

Scope down by specific subreddits

This will give you much more relevant results especially if your keywords are a bit more broad. Just imagine if your brand name was “Butter”.

Get relevant alerts

Get relevant alerts

Now that you have everything set up, you will start getting alerts to your inbox, Slack or Discord. Then it’s time to get involved!

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What are the best use cases? 

🚀 Early growth

We used Surfkey to grow itself to first 250 users by joining relevant conversations on Reddit and finding people with the exact problem our tool solves. It’s not the most scalable growth strategy but it’s extremely underrated for early stage businesses.

Start growing your product

🧐 Market Research

Researching your problem space is absolutely crucial for building an effective tool but it can be hard finding and gathering data. By setting up the right keywords you can find conversations in your niche which will allow you to do that.

Start social listening on competitors

📊 Competitor Research

The best strategy for a great product is to build something which already exists and make it 10x better. Find out where your competitors succeeded and messed up by tracking threads where people mention them.

Get SEO backlinks

👂 Social Listening

It can be scary seeing what people say about your brand online, especially on Reddit which is usually very authentic. However, it’s a golden source of feedback and potential opener for talking to your users and building some brand-love. 

Become a thought leader

How do I monitor keywords on Reddit?

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It’s simple - sign up to Surfkey and write down keywords relevant to your brand, competitors or niche problem space. 

I’m getting a lot of irrelevant results - what am I doing wrong?

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There are 2 possible reasons - you’re using keywords which are not that relevant to your intention or your keywords are too broad. For the latter, I’d recommend scoping down by specific subreddits. Reach out at and I’m happy to help you set up the right keywords.

Why do my comments keep getting deleted on Reddit?

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Most probable reason is that you’re not providing value and just shamelessly plugging your product. Keep in mind that each subreddit has its own set of rules and moderators. Some of them are more lenient and some a bit more strict.

However, as long as you always provide value, you shouldn’t have issues.

Why should I care about SurfKey?

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Brand24 or Awario are more robust tools mostly designed for social listening, especially if you have a big brand which has a ton of mentions every day. It provides you with detailed stats, analytics and much more.

However, if you’re in the early stage and want to become part of every relevant conversation to help you grow your product and research the market and competitors, Surfkey is more suited for you.

Reddit Keyword Monitor

Surfkey lets you easily monitor relevant conversations and threads on Reddit by monitoring specific keywords. Whether it’s your brand, your competitor or relevant keywords in your niche or problem space. Grow your business by jumping into every relevant conversation!

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